ADAP Disclaimer

The information provided by the Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) at this Web site is provided as a service to members of the public. Because certain material on the site is provided by other sources, ADAP does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the content of this site, nor that of any site for which a link is provided. Providing a link to another site shall in no way be deemed an endorsement by ADAP, express or implied, of any such site.

The information contained at this site is not legal advice, and should not be relied on by the user of this site as such. The user is encouraged to retain the services of a lawyer for legal advice. Use of this site constitutes an agreement by the user that the user will hold ADAP harmless for any inaccurate information contained herein.

Contact Information for Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program

Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP)
Box 870395, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0395
1-205-348-4928 (Phone)
1-205-348-3909 (FAX)
1-800-826-1675 (toll free) (email) (website)