
ADAP provides training for consumers, family members, and professional groups on a broad range of disability rights issues.  Training requests are considered based on ADAP's annual priorities and our limited training resources. Request an ADAP training.

Information and Referral (I&R) and Technical Assistance (TA)

ADAP answers all calls for technical assistance and information and referrals concerning disability rights issues.

Individual Case Advocacy

To be eligible for individual case advocacy services all four of the following statements must be true with regard to the individual's situation:

  • The individual with a disability must be eligible for services under one of ADAP's seven programs - PADD, PAIMI, PAIR, PAAT, PABSS, PAVA, PATBI, and Rep Payee.
  • The individual's situation must involve the abuse or neglect of a person with disability, a violation of a right granted to a person because that person has a disability, or discrimination based on disability. 
  • Accepting the individual's case for advocacy services will further one of ADAP's annual priorities. 
  • The individual's situation meets other case selection criteria, which include such considerations as the availability of other competent resources to advocate on behalf of the individual (including the individual's ability to pay for other legal services, or the individual's ability to advocate on his/her own behalf); whether there is a realistic prospect of success if the case is selected; the extent to which the potential client will benefit from satisfactory resolution of his/her case; the likelihood of a favorable impact on the legal rights of other individuals with disabilities; and availability of agency resources.