The Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) protects and promotes the civil rights of children and adults with physical, cognitive, and mental health disabilities in Alabama. We are Alabama’s only statewide, cross-disability, comprehensive legal advocacy organization. We believe that persons with disabilities are entitled to equal access to the opportunities afforded to all members of American society.

Annually, ADAP solicits input from persons with disabilities, their families, and other members of the disability community to identify priority issue areas on which we should focus. These priority issues frame the advocacy services that we undertake and to which we allocate ADAP’s resources. 

ADAP's Priorities FY 2024

(Oct. 1, 2023 - Sept. 30, 2024)

Abuse & Neglect

Individuals with disabilities will be free from abuse and neglect and live in healthier, safer or otherwise improved facility or community settings.

Community Access

Individuals with disabilities will have access to appropriate and individualized community-based services, including assistive technology, which will enhance their ability to live independently.  


Persons with disabilities will have meaningful access to integrated employment and be paid at least minimum wage.

Alternative Decision Making

With needed supports, individuals with disabilities will be able to make everyday decisions about their lives, including matters related to where they live, how their money is managed, and their healthcare.


Youth with disabilities will be provided a free appropriate public education in their least restrictive environment to move them toward independent living and, depending on their individual goals, secondary schooling or employment upon graduation.


Individuals with disabilities will be given equal opportunity to register to vote and to vote privately and independently.

Paimi Priorities

You can read more about PAIMI's priorities for FY2024 by clicking here.

ADAP’s priorities are determined with the assistance of the PADD and PAIMI Advisory Councils and are approved by ADAP’s governing authority, The University of Alabama, School of Law. ADAP’s long-range priorities are planned on a three-year cycle. Objectives are reviewed and revised, as needed, each year.