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Special Education: A Right, Not A Favor:
Chapter 1 - Evaluation and Eligibility
Chapter 2 - Writing Your Child's IEP
Chapter 3 - Transition
Chapter 4 - Behavior and Discipline
Chapter 5 - Conflict Resolution
Chapter 6 - Section 504
Chapter 7 - Early Intervention
Special Education: A Right Not A Favor (Survey)
Your ideas will help us develop future materials. Click here to take the survey.
Special Education for 18–21 Year Old Students:
An Update on Their Right to Attend School
In this publication, The Alabama State Department of Education emphasizes that prematurely awarding the Alabama High School Diploma to students with disabilities who plan to stay in school until age 21 would deny them their right to continued education, advising parents to coordinate with their child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team to determine an appropriate school exit date aligned with the child's transition needs and goals for adulthood. Click here to read.
ADAP Publications
ADAP publications can be downloaded, sent in an attached e-mail, or printed to your printer.
An overview of the Protection & Advocacy access authority with regard to monitoring and investigations.
View the current fiscal year's goals and priorities for ADAP.
Read through the archives of past ADAP newsletter publications.