Thank you for contacting ADAP for advocacy assistance. To help us improve our services, we would like to to know what you thought about the help ADAP provided. Your answers are very important to us, and will remain anonymous. Please complete this on-line form and press submit. Thank you!

Did ADAP help you in a timely manner?

If not, what could ADAP do to improve?

Were your problems resolved because of ADAP's intervention?

What could ADAP have done to server you better?

After working with ADAP, do you feel you have a better understanding of your legal rights or the rights of your family member?

After working with ADAP, if the problem comes up again, do you feel you can do more for yourself this time?

What was the name of the Advocate/Attorney that worked on your problem?

Would you use ADAP again?

Additional Information

Contact Us for Additional Questions or Comments

Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program
Box 870395
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0395

V/TDD: 1-205-348-4928 
Fax: 1-205-348-3909
For In-State Clients Only: 1-800-826-1675
